BRMCWC Headshots


Chances are if you’ve made your way to this page you are attending the writing conference at Ridgecrest Conference Center at the end of May.

I’m Mallory - the conference headshot photographer! I’m so grateful you’re interested in what I do and the possibility of getting some headshots taken while at the conference!

I wanted to talk a little bit about what the process will look like and help walk through some questions you may have.

Should I get headshots? What’s the point?

First of all, I think anyone who associates themselves with a brand or business should have headshots. Not only does it help get your name and face “out there,” and fill space on a business card, it helps give you confidence! Especially as an author, your face is generally associated with your name. If you look your best in that photo, chances are you’re going to feel your best, giving you the confidence to put yourself out there and make more connections. Now maybe you already have headshots and don’t feel the need to update. Well I ask you again, do you feel confident in those photos? Do they represent you as an individual and what your brand stands for? If you answered “no” to those questions, maybe it’s time for an update!

What can I expect? Pricing?

I’ve put my pricing guide for headshots at the bottom of this page. I’ve laid out 3 different packages that speak to different situations. Hopefully this will make choosing a it easier! No matter the package, I will make sure you like at least one image before we’re done shooting. I understand that you’re paying for this service and you want to look your best!

I will provide a plain backdrop if you prefer a more simple background, but going outside will also be an option. Although the backdrop can come across “cleaner,” going outside will give us an opportunity to play with color and help bring out your individuality! All packages will include the images delivered through an online gallery that is downloadable. You will have all printing and sharing rights. When it comes to choosing which images I deliver, I will make the final call as the artist. (of course choosing the best ones)


Package One is great if you just need one or two images to put on a business card or website. The session will be quick and painless, taking 15 minutes at most. Your choice of indoor or outdoor shooting. Images will only be from the waist up.

Package Two will give you more options, therefore taking between 15-30 minutes. I allow this time because it can take a few minutes to feel like yourself in front of the camera. You will be able to go both inside and outside if you choose. These images can be waist up and/or full body, whichever you prefer.

Package Three is if you want to go “all out.” You’re there for the conference anyway so I say why not?! You’ll receive all 10 images in color and black and white (a total of 20 images). This really is a great price for all of those images! These will be waist up and full body, again only if you choose. We will go to multiple locations to give you a few different looks. This session will most likely take 15-30 minutes.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you feel confident and your best self. Although a new outfit can be great, make sure to wear something that represents you. Feel free to bring accessories. Necklaces, hats, and jackets, are great ways to add a pop of color and spruce up an outfit.

As for things to avoid, fluorescent colors reflect off the skin, so please avoid those. Earth tones and neutrals are usually best!

I want to book! What now?

First off, yay! I cannot wait to meet you and help you invest in photos you love!

The easiest way to book is to go to the link below either on a computer or mobile device. From there, click “Let’s Go” and you’ll be able to find a date and time that works best for you.

If you would like to see more of my work you can explore my website or my instagram @malloryjophoto. Please feel free to ask me any questions.

You can email me at or text me at (336) 406-7284.